What is a staggered start?
Most schools will stagger the starting dates for Reception children over a short period of time (usually around the 2 week mark). The children will be settled into the classroom in smaller groups with new children joining everyday until the whole cohort has arrived. In my school we start with the youngest children first (who typically need the most support) staying for a few hours and eventually building up to a full school day on their 4th school day.
Why do you stagger starts, when we are working parents?
We understand that arranging childcare can be very difficult, especially for working/ single parents however please believe us when we tell you how beneficial this method is to your child. By allowing us to settle small groups at a time, the children have a much calmer and smoother transition into school life. It allows us to give your child more focus and support. Imagine how stressful it would be for your child to have 29 peers all wailing for mummy with only one pair of hands to comfort all 30 of them. It is vital for your child's learning journey that we get these first few days right. We want your child to love school and in turn love learning.
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